Научный доклад ID 2411 : 2023/3
Goran Pavlović, Mile Savković, Nebojša B. Zdravković, Goran Marković, Marko Todorović This paper presents the optimization problem of the cross-sectional area of Ramshorn hook at its most critical place. The geometric parameters of different profiles (triangular, parabolic and I cross-sections) are taken as optimization variables. The maximum stresses at the inner and outer fibers of a crane hook are taken according to Winkler-Bach theory (the constraint functions). The minimization of the cross-sectional area of Ramshorn hook is the main goal of this research (the objective function). As a method of optimization, one physics-inspired algorithm is taken to solve this optimization problem, called Improved Ray Optimization (IRO) Algorithm. The algorithm was applied in its source code, without modifications, using MATLAB software. The optimization results for all cross-sections are compared to show which achieves the best performance (savings in material).
crane hook curved beam metaheuristic algorithm MATLAB optimal designcrane hook curved beam metaheuristic algorithm MATLAB optimal designGoran Pavlović Mile Savković Nebojša B. Zdravković Goran Marković Marko Todorović BIBLIOGRAPHY [3] Yousaf A., Design,Analysis and Optimization of Crane Hook, IJAER, 5(1),2021, pp.29-35. [4] Reddy M.A., Krishnaveni M.N.V., Nagaraju B., Roy M.R., Static Static Analysis of Crane Hook with I-Section and T-Section using ANSYS, IJETT, Vol. 26 (2), 2015, pp. 72-77. 5 Krishnaveni M.N.V., Reddy M.A., Roy M.R. Static Analysis of Crane Hook with T-Section using ANSYS, IJETT, 25 (1), 2015, pp. 53-58. 6 Pavlović G., Savković M., Zdravković N., Marković G., Comparative analysis and optimization of T and I cross sections of crane hook using by two physics-inspired algorithms,IMK–14, Research&Development in Heavy Machinery,Vol.25(3), 2019, pp.87-95. 7 Khan N., Bhushan G., Chandna P., Design and Stress Analysis of Ramshorn Hook with Different Cross Section using CAE Tools, IJETSR, Vol. 4 (1), 2017, pp. 1-8. 8 Singh B., Singh P., Mechanical analysis of forged steel Ramshorn Hook-an experimental study, Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol. 68, 2022, pp. 1016–1021. [9] Pavlović G., Savković M., Zdravković B.N., Application of Water Cycle Algorithm on Ramshorn Hook Optimization Problem, X Triennial International Conference ”Heavy Machinery-HM 2021”, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia, 23–26 June 2021. 10 DIN 15 400, Lifting hooks – Materials, mechanical properties, lifting capacity and stresses, Deutsches Institut für Normung, Berlin, Germany, 1990. 11 DIN 15 402, Lifting hooks for lifting appliances – Ramshorn hooks - Unmachined parts, Deutsches Institut für Normung, Berlin, Germany, 1982. 12 Kaveh A., Bakhshpoori T., Metaheuristics-Outlines, MATLAB Codes and Examples, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-030-04067-3. |