Научный доклад ID 2243 : 2022/3

Roumen A. Ivanov, Nevena I. Babunska-Ivanova

In transportation civil engineering a variety of transition curves are used-cubic parabola, clothoid, Bloss, sinusoidal curve, etc. Knowing different geometry of the roadways and railways is from great importance for their design and reconstruction. When reconstructing roadways and railways it is necessary to carry out measurements to determine the length of straight sections and the radius of curves, etc. The results obtained from measurements can be filtered with digital filters and interpolated using splines. This work presents full classification of existing road and railway geometry.

road geometry cubic parabola clothoid curve roadways and railwaysroad geometry cubic parabola clothoid curve roadways and railwaysRoumen A. Ivanov Nevena I. Babunska-Ivanova


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