Научный доклад ID 2224 : 2022/3

Zoran Čekerevac, Milanka Bogavac

The long-lasting COVID-19 pandemic has caused a series of disruptions in production and transportation. The automotive industry was among the first to feel the consequences of the pandemic, primarily in a significantly reduced demand. This affected all participants in the production and sale of cars, and especially the supporting industry composed mainly of small and medium-sized enterprises. After the reduction in mortality from COVID-19, trade, and tourism began to accelerate sharply, which resulted in increased demand. Again, the automotive industry was among the most threatened, but also other industries that are large consumers of electronic components, and manufacturers of mobile phones and computers. The article discusses the impact of the pandemic on supply chains from the perspective of SMEs and the possibility of applying blockchain technology and the IoT to improve the functioning of supply chains.

transport logistics COVID-19 blockchain IoT SME.transport logistics COVID-19 blockchain IoT SME.Zoran Čekerevac Milanka Bogavac


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