Научный доклад ID 1273 : 2016/1
George Popov This paper presents а principally new car shock detector with improved adequacy of alarm situation. The main disadvantages of known shocks used in car alarm systems are: greater false alarm ratio and low possibility to identify real alarm situation. Suggested detector uses as sensor built in vehicle fuel level meter system
car security system car alarm shock detector vibration sensorавто алармена система вибрационен датчик сеизмичен детекторGeorge Popov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Popov G., Mechkov K., Avtomobilen vibratsionen detektor s povishena adekvatnost, Advanced Aspects of Theoretical Electrical Engineering Sozopol "2007,22.09.07 – 25.09.07, Sozopol, Bulgaria ( [1] Попов Г., Мечков К., Автомобилен вибрационен детектор с повишена адекватност, Advanced Aspects of Theoretical Electrical Engineering Sozopol "2007,22.09.07 – 25.09.07, Sozopol, Bulgaria ) [2] Popov G., Tashev T., Ivanova V., Adequacy of Identification of Controlled Phenomena in Alarm Systems, ADVANCES in SENSORS, SIGNALS and MATERIALS, University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal November 3-5, 2010 [3] Popov G., Angelov P., A Car Security System Model Based on Timed Petri Nets, Advanced Aspects of Theoretical Electrical Engineering Sozopol "2009 [4] www. circuit-fantasia.com [5] Car-alarm Window and Pressure Sensors, http://auto.howstuffworks.com/car-alarm3.ht... |